Newcomer Annie Lee is a 22 year old Thai hottie who bakes for a living. She was sort of vague about what that meant specifically, but I think it\'s easier this way to imagine her baking naked and smearing chocolate frosting all over her body. Newcomer Annie Lee is a 22 year old Thai hottie who bakes for a living. She was sort of vague about what that meant specifically, but I think it\'s easier this way to imagine her baking naked and smearing chocolate frosting all over her body. Newcomer Annie Lee is a 22 year old Thai hottie who bakes for a living. She was sort of vague about what that meant specifically, but I think it\'s easier this way to imagine her baking naked and smearing chocolate frosting all over her body. Newcomer Annie Lee is a 22 year old Thai hottie who bakes for a living. She was sort of vague about what that meant specifically, but I think it\'s easier this way to imagine her baking naked and smearing chocolate frosting all over her body.